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Art Education

The development of an appreciation of art within our students is a fundamental part of the curriculum at West Portal Lutheran School.


Our school utilizes the Arts ATTACK curriculum. Arts ATTACK is a developmental, sequential visual arts curriculum for Grades K-8. The program is designed to educate students on basic art elements and

principles as well as art history and art appreciation.

Music Education

Music classes are offered from K to the 8th grade.  Our music curriculum includes singing, listening, and performing.  Students are also taught music theory and appreciation and explore different music genres. By the time students are in the 8th grade, they will be able to compose music.

West Portal Lutheran School has a rich music tradition.  We offer many opportunities for students to participate in our choir, orchestra, and chimes and hand bell program. Students also perform in our annual Christmas program and sing in our church worship services.

Musical Opportunities

Music is one of the greatest joys in the world!  By participating in the music ministry at West Portal Lutheran School, the students have the opportunity to experience the joy of music and the joy of service.


The mission of the Music Ministry at West Portal Lutheran Church and School is to enhance the worship experiences of the church and school, to engage the congregation in worship, and to support evangelism and education ministries in the church, school, and community.


Our Music Ministry seeks to:

  • Teach the stories of our faith

  • Teach self discipline and teamwork

  • Provide opportunities for service

  • Develop an understanding of reverence for God and what it means to worship together as a community of faith

The West Portal Lutheran Music Academy also offers after school private instruction for children ages K-8. Lessons are offered for violin, piano, guitar, ukulele, trumpet, french horn, and flute.


The Lambs Choir – (Sunset Campus) a singing choir for all children in the 2nd and 3rd grades.


WPL School Orchestra (Sloat Campus) for students in grades 4-8.


Joy Chimes (Sunset Campus) a beginning 3rd grade chime choir.

Genesis Ringers (Sloat Campusa beginning 4th grade handbell choir.

Alleluia Ringers (Sloat Campusa beginning-intermediate 5th grade handbell choir.

Luther Ringers (Sloat Campusan intermediate 6th grade handbell choir.

Carillon Ringers - (Sloat Campusan advanced 7th grade handbell choir.  

Revelation Ringers (Sloat Campusan advanced 8th grade handbell choir.

Other Musical Performance Opportunities 

Performance opportunities for Chapels or other special events are available. For more information on any musical opportunity contact Amy Kao

Opportunities For Adults And Youth

The Sanctuary Choir sings on Sunday mornings. In addition, this choir serves in a music leadership role for special services – Thanksgiving, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Reformation services. 

Rehearsals – Sunday mornings in the Stechholz Music Room, Sloat Campus. For rehearsal times please call the church office at 415-661-0242.

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